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Catalog of Expression Studies

Catalog of studies of Environmental Health (EH) interest with expression data performed by members of DTT, NIEHS and other collaborators.  Work can be filtered using common metadata using the CEBS data collections interface.
Other metadata useful to interpret a toxicology or EH study are being collected; this project is expected to evolve.  For the present time, links to external files with metadata and other data for the subjects are provided where they are available from the author.
Each study is linked to a public repository or other source to permit the data themselves to be retrieved.  If the study is deposited in the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) then the link to the tools provided by GEO to analyze the data is 
also provided.
This catalog is from voluntary submissions.  To submit data for consideration please contact CEBS-Support@mail.nih.gov 

Keywords: microarray, microarrays, next-generation, sequence, sequencing, transcriptomics

  • Primary Search Criteria
  • Additional Search Criteria
GEO PMID institution Author Co-Author year published platform description platform GEO profile type title objective Design species strain tissue chemicals multiple chemicals cell line genetic change other agent study duration time points route vehicle additional metadata additional in-life data cebs acc no GEO link analysis link additional information