2-Week Evaluation of the Toxicity (C20536) of Abrasive Blasting Agent: Specular Hematite (HEMATITESPEC) in F344/N Tac Rats via Whole Body Respiratory Exposure
Study Tables
- E03 - Growth Curves (171 KB)
- E04 - Mean Body Weights and Survival Table (13 KB)
- P03 - Incidence Rates of Non-Neoplastic Lesions by Anatomic Site (18 KB)
- P04 - Neoplasms by Individual Animal (68 KB)
- P05 - Incidence Rates of Neoplasms by Anatomic Site (Systemic Lesions Abridged) (19 KB)
- P09 - Non-Neoplastic Lesions by Individual Animal (70 KB)
- P10 - Statistical Analysis of Non-Neoplastic Lesions (23 KB)
- P14 - Individual Animal Pathology Data (62 KB)
- P18 - Incidence Rates of Non-Neoplastic Lesions by Anatomic Site with Average Severity Grades (19 KB)
- P40 - Survival Curves (190 KB)