Are you stranded? Please contact us or browse the following topics.
This help page is divided into three sections:- User Guides: Tutorials and descriptions of different resources and procedures available from the CEBS site.
- CEBS Bulletin: New and updated CEBS features and resources.
- FAQs: Answers to questions commonly asked by CEBS users.
Still have a question? You can contact us at the following email address:
User Guides
User guides contain step-by-step instructions on how to use the different features of CEBS. These user guides are in a downloadable PDF format, so you can save them for later use. If you think we are missing any feature or scenario, please let us know and we will try to add it as time permits.
These FAQs feature questions we often receive from the CEBS user community.
- CEBS Maintenance Schedule
- Do I need a password to access CEBS public data?
- How do I cite CEBS?
- Authentication Login Process for CEBS Modules
- How do I download and open text files in Excel?
- How do I select multiple items in a list?
- How do I navigate the pop ups and new tabs in CEBS?
- How do I find controlled vocabulary?
- What are CEBS' terms of use?
- Why isn't my Excel file opening?
CEBS Bulletins
CEBS Bulletins are features recently implemented in the CEBS application. Each new feature is described with examples of how it can be used to enhance your research.
- February 2025 Data Release (revised 26-Feb) Updated CEBS Release Notes.
- The CEBS Updates and Maintenance Schedule may be viewed at CEBS Updates Schedule
- CEBS Bin maintenance is the 5th Tuesday of the leap year. CEBS Bins will not be available at that time. This schedule may be adjusted for holidays or other reasons.
- Release of Publication NIEHS-01 NIEHS Report on Evaluating Features and Application of Neurodevelopmental Tests in Epidemiological Studies
- DTT is building a data dictionary to define terms used to describe DTT data and metadata and to provide a link to the term in an external reference. We plan to update regularly and save a record of changes.
- Article published in Nucleic Acids Research: CEBS update: curated toxicology database with enhanced tools for data integration.
- Description of CEBS user experience available here
- The NTP Individual Animal Pathology Dataset was released 12 June 2021: this dataset contains individual animal data on reported lesions in NTP studies conducted between 1967 and present and includes standardized histopathology terms.
- The DNA Damage Classification Tool was updated on 13 January 2021 to include USP41 in the biomarker gene set.
- NTP approved terms for the Data Collection Systems used by NTP have been made available to the public via the following links:
NTP Provantis: /cebs/paper/14901
TDMSE: /cebs/paper/14902 - NTP Pathology Data are now available from the CEBS FTP site at: NTP Pathology Bioassay Data or accessed from the CEBS Download Data page. NIH users should contact for access to the CEBS NTP Pathology Data module.
- Look Up Gene Signatures data are now available from the CEBS FTP site at: CEBS Microarray Data or the Download Data page. They can also be accessed from the NTP Data Collections Guided Search in the Microarray Dataset.
- 2012 Mouse Liver Data Guided Search data are now available from the CEBS FTP site at: CEBS Microarray Data or the Download Data page. They can also be accessed from the NTP Data Collections Guided Search in the Microarray Dataset.
- J&J Codelink Guided Search data are now available from the CEBS FTP site at: CEBS Microarray Data or the Download Data page. They can also be accessed from the NTP Data Collections Guided Search in the Microarray Dataset.
- Linked Data Guided Search is undergoing updates and is currently unavailable.
- NTP BMD Values can now be accessed from the NTP Data Collections Guided Search in the Benchmark Dose Analysis for Neoplastic and Non-neoplastic Lesions Dataset.
- The Tox21 Phase 2 Purity Dataset has been released: this dataset provides purity analysis results for more than 3000 Tox21 phase 2 chemicals. The dataset is located in the NTP Data Collections Guided Search.
- The TGx Benchmark Dose Response Guided Search has been released: this application allows users to visualize Toxicogenomic Data after 5 days exposure to various Test Articles. The tool displays graphs and tables of the most affected genes and pathways.
- The Consortium Linking Academic and Regulatory Insights on BPA Toxicity (CLARITY-BPA) links federal guideline-compliant research and academic research to study the full range of potential health effects from bisphenol A. The Grantee Studies and guideline-compliant Core Study data are now available.
- CEBS was updated on June 25, 2018 to include a consistent template with other NTP websites. The update has also incorporated "Data" links so that users can easily access full data sets for studies or NTP reports. If you have questions or comments please contact CEBS Support at