Methyl salicylate (119-36-8)
Mortelmans, K., Haworth, S., Lawlor, T., Speck, W., Tainer, B., and Zeiger, E. Salmonella mutagenicity tests. II. Results from the testing of 270 chemicals Environ. Mutagen. Vol. 8 (Suppl 7) (1986) 1-119
Study Data
Genetic Toxicology Studies
Genetic Toxicity Evaluation of Methyl Salicylate in Salmonella/E.coli Mutagenicity Test or Ames Test. Study 005648
Summary Data
- G06 - Ames Summary Data (291 KB)
Genetic Toxicity Evaluation of Methyl Salicylate in Salmonella/E.coli Mutagenicity Test or Ames Test. Study 537373
Summary Data
- G06 - Ames Summary Data (138 KB)